This restaurant is a lebendige Oase (lively oasis) in the heart of the city, offering a unique blend of Tradition und Moderne (tradition and modernity) that will inspire your senses.
This restaurant serves italienische Küche (Italian cuisine) with dishes such as Kalbsravioli, Steak und Linguine in an elegant setting with high ceilings and a large Terrasse (terrace).
The Terrasse is a highlight of this restaurant, where every moment becomes an Erlebnis (experience) from morning till late evening.
This restaurant is a Magnet für moderne Geniesser (magnet for modern connoisseurs), where different worlds come together, inspired by the likes of London, Paris, New York.
The kitchen and bar creations are inspired by the fusion of Tradition und Moderne, resulting in unique and delicious dishes that will delight your senses.