Microsoft Schweiz - 0 Microsoft Schweiz - 1 Microsoft Schweiz - 2 Microsoft Schweiz - 3 Microsoft Schweiz - 4 Microsoft Schweiz - 5 Microsoft Schweiz - 6 Microsoft Schweiz - 7 Microsoft Schweiz - 8 Microsoft Schweiz - 9

Bewertungen Microsoft Schweiz - Zürich Kloten

Adresse: Flughafen Zürich, The Circle 02, 8058 Zürich, Schweiz

Telefon: +41 848 224 488

Kerl: Softwareentwickler/-hersteller

Wie kommt man WebSite Anrufen WhatsApp

You can contact the PR team for journalistic inquiries.

For technical questions, please contact the support team at 0848 858 868 (DE, FR) or 0848 801 255 (IT).

You can find out more about the company's presence in Switzerland, including facts and figures, on the website.

You can find customer testimonials and important excerpts of media coverage on the website.

You can find reports from the company and its partners about the data centers in Switzerland on the website.

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